They are your neighbors, your friends, your coworkers. They sit in our classrooms. They bag your groceries or work in our factories. People who carry on with their daily lives while at the same time touching the lives of others. The person who faces adversity and is inspired to help others. The person who devotes themselves to making life better for someone else. They are the EVERYDAY HEROES who make our Lakeshore a better place to live, work, and play.
Each year, United Way of the Lakeshore honors the everyday heroes that live and work among us.
Who is an Everyday Hero?
Each day on the Lakeshore, citizens, and organizations are changing lives and solving community challenges. Everyday Heroes work quietly to heal, unite and improve our communities through their volunteerism and philanthropic work. Their generosity and kindness are even more inspiring–and sorely needed–during this time of a global pandemic, economic turmoil, and social unrest.

211, Community Access Line of the Lakeshore - Jen Bailey

Association for the Blind & Visually Impaired - Dr. Lori Smolinski

Child Abuse Council of Muskegon County - Vicki Price

Every Woman's Place - Rita Howard

Kids' Food Basket - Priscilla Wilcox

Mediation & Restorative Services - Carolyn Smith-Gerdes

Newaygo County Compassion Home - Dr. Douglas & Lou Ann Johnson

Pathfinders - Tayonna McQuarter

Step Up - Alicia Wiggin

TrueNorth Community Services - Jelanie Bush

AgeWell Services of West Michigan - Zeke Johnson

Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Lakeshore - Kim Watson

Community enCompass - Thomas Evans

Girl Scouts MI Shore to Shore - Kristy Wyngaarden

Lakeshore Regional Community Development Corporation: Eric Hood

Michigan Education Corps / Hope Network - Heidi Bolema

Newaygo County RESA - Jeff Wright

Prevention of Child Abuse & Neglect: Tashina Kerr

The Hope Project - Rita Caviness
United Way of the Lakeshore - Jason Finch

American Red Cross - Carol Norwick

Boys & Girls Club of the Lakeshore - Laura Hardy
COVE - Nicole Young
Goodwill Industries of West MI - Brad Hulce

Legal Aid of Western Michigan - Alvin Bacon

Mission for Area People - Linda Alexander

Oceana County Community Foundation - Eva Berumen-Reyna
Read Muskegon - Matt Anderson
The Salvation Army - Steve Rogers

Volunteer for Dental - Carrie Autman

Arc Muskegon - Robert Hosler
Catholic Charities West Michigan - Barb Grice
Disability Network of West Michigan - John Taylor
Helping Every Living Person Survive - Darvenna Mallard
Love INC of Muskegon County - Betty Shafer
Muskegon YMCA - Liz Trzaska
Orchard View Community Education - Melissa Randles

Staircase Youth Services - Sarah Rudat
Senior Resources - Patricia McNeill

White Lake Area Community Education - Billie Brown