The work we do to help households become stable and ensure children can thrive is only possible thanks to our hundreds of corporate, nonprofit, foundation and labor partners.
See below to see our community partners, coalitions, collaborations, and government agencies that help us move the needle for our local families!
United Way works with companies, governments, nonprofits and other organizations to address complex challenges on a worldwide scale. Our partners contribute more than money. Their ideas, volunteer power, in-kind support and more are helping build stronger, more resilient communities.
* Agency is funded through the community investment process
** Agency is funded by sponsorship or mini-grants in the last 2 years
*** Agency is a partner through collaboration on impact work (non-funding related)
**** National nonprofit &/or government partner (United Way Worldwide)
- AgeWell Services *
- AIRS ****
- American Red Cross *
- America's Promise Alliance ****
- AmeriCorps *
- AmeriCorps Seniors *
- Arbor Circle *
- Ascend - The Aspen Institute ****
- Association for the Blind & Visually Impaired *
- Attendance Works ****
- Barnes Family Foundation ****
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Lakeshore *
- Boy Scouts of America *
- Boys & Girls Club of the Muskegon Lakeshore *
- Bread of Life ***
- CALL 211 *
- Catholic Charities *
- CDC Foundation ****
- Child Abuse Council *
- Club 188 ***
- Coalition for Community Schools ****
- COGIC Community Center *
- Communities Overcoming Violent Encounters *
- Community enCompass *
- Community Foundation for Muskegon County ***
- Community Foundation for Oceana County ***
- Compassion Home *
- County Health Rankings & Roadmaps ****
- DHHS ***
- Disability Network of West Michigan *
- Dolly Parton's Imagination Library *
- Empowerment Network *
- Every Woman's Place *
- Feeding America West Michigan **
- Finra Investor Education Foundation ****
- First Congregation Church ***
- FLU ON Call ****
- Frauenthal Center ***
- Fresh Coast Alliance *
- Girl Scouts MI Shore to Shore *
- Goodwill Industries of West Michigan *
- Harbor Hospice ***
- Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation ****
- Hope Network *
- Impact 2030 ****
- Kids Food Basket ***
- Lakeshore Museum Center ***
- Lakeshore Regional Community Development Corporation *
- Leadership 18 ****
- Legal Aid of Western Michigan *
- LifeCircles PACE ***
- Lights On After School *
- LISC ****
- Love INC *
- LST 393 ***
- Lumina Foundation ****
- MDC ****
- Mediation & Restorative Services *
- Michigan Education Corps. *
- Mission for Area People *
- National Council of Nonprofits ****
- National Disability Institute ****
- National Human Services Assembly ****
- National Summer Learning Association ****
- National Youth Leadership Council ****
- Newaygo County Community Foundation ***
- Newaygo County Council for the Prevention of Child Abuse & Neglect *
- Newaygo County RESA *
- No Kid Hungry ****
- Oceana's Home Partnership *
- Opportunity Nation ****
- Orchard View Community Education *
- Pathfinders *
- Prevention and Equity Institute ****
- Read Muskegon *
- Senior Resources ***
- Silversides Museum ***
- Staircase Youth Services *
- Step Up *
- The Annie E. Casey Foundation ****
- The Arc Muskegon *
- The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading ****
- The Forum ****
- The Hope Project *
- The London School of Economics & Political Science ****
- The Salvation Army *
- The University of Georgia ****
- Trinity Health ***
- TrueNorth Community Services *
- Trust for America's Health ****
- Volunteer for Dental *
- White Lake Area Community Education *
- WILF Family Foundations ****
- YMCA *
- Youth Service America ****
Community Coordinating Council of Muskegon County
The Community Coordinating Council of Muskegon County (CCC) is a State-endorsed community collaborative organized to promote effective human services through collaboration, integration, and support. The CCC promotes understanding, focus, and commitment to systemic changes and initiatives to accomplish desired outcomes for Muskegon County and its residents.
The CCC provides a forum for 45 organizations engaged in planning and evaluating human services and service delivery systems for the residents of Muskegon County. Through comprehensive and collaborative planning, evaluation, and programming the Council can develop and implement appropriate changes and enhancements resulting in positive impacts on the lives of County residents, and help to provide a safe, stable and supportive community.
Any nonprofit public or private agency, institution or organization engaged in providing or funding human services for residents of Muskegon County. New organizations are admitted to the Council following an evaluation and recommendation of the Executive Committee, and the consensus decision of the membership at a regular Council meeting.
Regular meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 8:00 am, at the United Way of the Lakeshore, 31 E Clay Avenue. Please contact Wyneice Hairston for more information - 231-332-4017 or wyneice@unitedwaylakeshore.org
Sign up to join our emailing list here!
Check out our community resource hub!
- Meeting Minutes/Presentation Items
- Agency Events, Flyers, & Resources
- Contact Information for Agencies (Updated Annually)
Muskegon County has been chosen to receive $93,416 Newaygo County $22,461 and Oceana County will get $16,305 to supplement emergency food and shelter programs in the counties.
The selection was made by a National Board that is chaired by the U. S. Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency and consists of representatives from American Red Cross; Catholic Charities, USA; National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA; The Jewish Federations of North America, The Salvation Army; and, United Way Worldwide. The Local Board was charged to distribute funds appropriated by Congress to help expand the capacity of food and shelter programs in high-need areas around the country.
A Local Board in Muskegon, Newaygo and Oceana County made up of representatives from local government and multiple area organizations, will determine how the funds awarded to the Emergency Needs Committees are to be distributed among the emergency food and shelter programs run by local service agencies in the area. The local Boards are responsible for recommending local recipient organizations to receive these funds and any additional funds made available under this phase of the program.
Under the terms of the grant from the National Board, local organizations chosen to receive funds must: 1) be private voluntary nonprofit organizations or units of government, 2) be eligible to receive Federal funds, 3) have an accounting system, 4) practice nondiscrimination, 5) have demonstrated the capability to deliver emergency food and/or shelter programs, and 6) if they are a private voluntary organization, have a voluntary board. Qualifying agencies are urged to apply.
The Local Boards in Muskegon, Newaygo and Oceana Counties have distributed Emergency Food and Shelter funds to local organizations for 37 previous years. These organizations were responsible for providing food, meals and lodging to those in need.
Public or private voluntary agencies interested in applying for Emergency Food and Shelter Program funds will find an application at unitedwaylakeshore.org/efsp. The deadline for applications to be received is Friday, February 10, 2023. Questions may be directed to Jana Routt, United Way of the Lakeshore at: jana@unitedwaylakeshore.org. or (231) 332-4004.
The deadline for applications to be received is Friday, February 20, 2023. Click Here To Be Redirected To the Application Site Page