United in Purpose in Newaygo County!
Newaygo County, located in Western Michigan, is home to 48,460 people (2010 US Census). Newaygo has over 230 natural lakes and over 350 miles of rivers and streams. Three huge dams were built after the turn of the century: Croton, Hardy and Newaygo. Croton and Hardy Dams remain today, with Hardy the largest earthen dam east of the Mississippi.
Get Connected. Get Help. Dial 2-1-1.
United Way of the Lakeshore helps thousands of people each year through 211. In a crisis or in a disaster, 211 is here to help every person in our community find food, pay bills, and connect to other essential services. 211 is an easy way to find help of all kinds, right in your community. Need help with food, housing, or paying bills? Need support in a family crisis or community disaster? They are here for you. Any time. All the time. Just call, text, or search online and we’ll get you connected.
211 is the Lakeshore's lifeline for help.
Key United Way of the Lakeshore Programs in Newaygo County:
United Way of the Lakeshore is a proud to partner with SingleCare. SingleCare is a free prescription savings service and discount card that can save you up to 80% on medications at most major pharmacies. SingleCare is always free to use and works whether you have insurance or not, because they believe everyone should have access to the lowest prices available for their medications. SingleCare is valid at 35,000+ pharmacies in the United States.
Free Tax Preparation - VITA & MyFreeTaxes
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free basic tax return preparation to qualified individuals. VITA sites offer free tax help to people who need assistance in preparing their own tax returns, including:
- People who generally make $60,000 or less
- Persons with disabilities
- Limited English-speaking taxpayers
Making an impact on education, economic mobility, and health!
United Way of the Lakeshore is proud to partner with 13 agencies in Newaygo County to bring programs and services to the community. These agencies and their programs include:
- Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
- Region IV Birth to Five Early Literacy Support Network Hub
- Girl Scouts MI Shore to Shore
- True North - Mentorship Program
Economic Mobility:
- 211 Resource Help Line
- Disability Network West Michigan - Income Stability, Financial Management, & Transportation
- Emergency Food & Shelter Fund
- Association for the Blind & Visually Impaired - Low Vision Clinic & Rehabilitation
- Empowerment Network - Healthy Eating
- Legal Aid of West Michigan - Domestic Violence Intervention & Free Legal Services
- Newaygo County Compassion Home - Support for the Terminally Ill
- Prevention of Child Abuse & Neglect - Child Nutrition & Other Services
- SingleCare Prescription Savings
- True North - Weekend Power Packs
In 2022, over 4,000 families were served in Newaygo County through these programs thanks to our amazing partners!
Thank you to the Newaygo County Community Committee Members:
- Sherri Anderson-Patterson, Community Advocate
- Tyler Cook, Fremont Insurance Company
- Michael Danhof, Mercantile Bank
- Jason DeKuiper, White Agency, Inc.
- Louis Deleguardia, Edward Jones
- Jason Finch, UA 174
- Martha Gabrielse, Community Advocate
- Rod Glupker, CBD Store of Michigan
- James Kelly, MSU Extension
- Lori Little, Gerber Federal Credit Union
- Alan Neushwander, Family Health Care
- Blake Prewitt, NC RESA
- Jason Ross, Core Well Health
- Robert Ross, Community Advocate
- Stewart Sanders, County of Newaygo
- Sandra Siegel, Community Advocate
- Darcie Witte, Fifth Third Bank
- Christopher Wren, County of Newaygo