United Way connects those in need to those who can help. The Community Fund Campaign is at the heart of our work.
You + Local Nonprofit Partners = United Community
Here's why:
- You. When you give to the Community Campaign, your donation is combined with thousands of other donors, funding over 80 programs that have a direct impact on the health, education, and financial stability of so many in our neighborhoods.
- Local Nonprofit Partners. United Way knows the nonprofit agencies who are doing the hard work every single day, offering support to those who may be struggling. Your donation directly supports this work.
- United Community. The solutions we create together go beyond short-term fixes. We are creating lasting change.
The Impact
Every day, our donors, advocates, and volunteers are making a lasting difference in so many ways. We measure our success in lives changed. And during these challenging times, we still did some amazing things. And we did it together.
Last year we served over 114,000 individuals & their families:
- 21,088 families connected to educational programs
- Over 5,000 students enrolled in mentorship & leadership development programs
- 35,274 families connected to financial stability programs
- 180 families found permanent housing
- Over 5,200 families with increased food stability
Join Us Today!
Your colleagues care about many different causes. Partnering with United Way to facilitate a workplace giving campaign allows your colleagues to give to what they are most passionate about, while also knowing their workplace is committed to giving back.
United Way staff are available to help connect your team with the issues facing our local community and the individuals and organizations addressing them. Through campaign kickoffs, special events, pledging, and more – your colleagues can join the fight to make lasting change in our community.
Organizations of every size and industry can run a successful campaign. United Way makes it easy to give online and via payroll deduction, and has lots of virtual campaign ideas to share! Your organization may also receive recognition for your involvement. Learn more here.
Let us help create a fun and easy way to meet your corporate social responsibility goals while building stronger teams, creating a deeper connection to the community, and being recognized for your impact.
Questions About Campaign?
For questions about Muskegon County’s campaign contact Jana Routt at (231) 332-4004, jana@unitedwaylakeshore.org
For questions about Newaygo County’s campaign contact James Rynberg at (231) 924-2101, mayor@fremontmi.gov
For questions about Oceana County’s campaign: Barbara Saunders Sims at (231) 332-4005, barbara@unitedwaylakeshore.org