(231) 225-2015
Programs Funded by United Way of the Lakeshore
Child Nutrition (Newaygo)
- We will use our Summer Magic program to educate children ages 5-17 years old in Newaygo County on Nutrition and active lifestyles. Our site locations are Fremont Lake Park, Newaygo Henning Park, and White Cloud Mill Pond.
We have over 700 children using our program sites. They experience a full day of activities, education and programming that will help them build life skills. One of our main components of skills is health and nutrition.
Infant Car Seat Safety Programs (Newaygo)
- Newaygo County Safe Kids will be involved in car seat checks to ensure the safest installation of car seats in Newaygo County. New car seats will be installed to families without seats or who's car seats are no longer safe.