United Way’s education goal is to ensure that youth gain the knowledge, skills and credentials so that they are prepared for workforce and able to obtain family-sustaining employment. The evidence clearly demonstrates this can only occur if a solid foundation has been laid; school readiness is predictive of early grade proficiency which is in turn predictive of graduation. Thus, the ultimate goal of Childhood Success is to ensure that children are developmentally and academically prepared for secondary education.
Without question, it takes entire communities working together more collaboratively than ever before to co-create community-based, comprehensive solutions that support children and students along the education continuum from birth through elementary school, high school and career readiness. Families, schools, early care providers, government, service providers, business leaders and the community all have roles to play. The strategies here provide guidance to optimize the role of families, learning environments and the extended community in guaranteeing that children are on track for success.
United Way of the Lakeshore's Early Childhood Success Priorities:
Ages 0-3 Before Kindergarten
Early Literacy
Childcare Support Services