Updated on 10/23/24
Each month, energy bill assistance ranks among the top three requested needs among all calls to United Way’s 2-1-1 helpline. Michigan residents have long relied on the Michigan Energy Assistance Program (MEAP) for utility bill assistance. MEAP provides funds to help low-income households afford energy costs and avoid harmful shutoffs. This is a vitally important and effective program, but many of those in need cannot access this assistance because they earn slightly too much to qualify. These are mostly working families living above the poverty level, but below the ALICE Survivability threshold — the amount a household must earn to cover the cost of a basic monthly budget. These households are particularly vulnerable, as an unexpected medical bill, car repair or loss in wages can trigger a financial crisis. For many of these Michigan families, short-term help with energy costs would go a long way toward getting them back to stability. Please join us in urging the legislature to expand MEAP eligibility to make it more accessible to Michiganders in need!
The Michigan ALICE Report shows us that one in three households aren’t earning enough to afford their basic needs. At United Way, we believe families shouldn’t have to make the difficult decision between putting food on the table or paying for heat. Offering support in a time of crisis is the key to helping households move toward stability.
That’s why we’re asking the Michigan legislature to pass Senate Bills 353, 880 and 881, which would increase the MEAP eligibility threshold and secure necessary funding for the assistance program, both of which would be major steps toward ensuring all households in our community have access to affordable utilities.
As cold winter months approach, households across Michigan are counting on legislators to expand access to utility assistance. Join us in urging them to pass Senate Bill 353, 880, and 881 today!
Take Action
Urge your legislators to expand MEAP!
Michigan's 32nd Senate District (Benzie, Mason, Muskegon, and Oceana Counties)
Senator Jon Bumstead
Mailing Address:
Senator Jon Bumstead
PO Box 30036
Lansing, MI 48909-7536
Phone: (517) 373-1635
Please include name, address, and phone number.
Draft Email/Letter:
Subject Line: Please Expand Access to MEAP – Pass SB 353, 880, and 881
I am writing to urge you to expand access to the Michigan Energy Assistance Program by voting in favor of Senate bills 353, 880 and 881. This vital program offers energy assistance and self-sufficiency services to eligible low-income households including direct bill assistance, education on energy efficiency optimization strategies and help creating budget plans or enrolling in affordable payment plans. Thousands of households across the state have relied on MEAP in times of crisis, and it continues to be a critical resource.
While MEAP is a proven effective program, utility assistance remains among the top unmet need in calls made to 2-1-1 as funding often runs out early in the season. But even when dollars are available, many struggling households are turned away due to overly restrictive income eligibility requirements.
According to the ALICE Report, more than one in three Michigan families struggle to afford their basic needs. The Michigan Energy Assistance Program (MEAP) combats this issue by making energy costs more affordable for low-income residents. Currently, only households living below 150 percent of the federal poverty level are eligible to receive assistance through MEAP. However, the ALICE report tells us that the actual cost of meeting a household’s needs is often well above 200 percent of the federal poverty level.
Families living above poverty but below the ALICE Survival threshold are particularly vulnerable as an unexpected medical bill, car repair or loss in wages can put them in financial crisis. Short-term help with energy costs can go a long way toward getting them back to stability. If passed, SB 353 would expand MEAP eligibility to 60 percent of the state median income, increasing access to this vital service for more families in their time of need, while the rest of this package will help grow the pool of funding available.
Please support Michigan households by passing Senate Bills 353, 880 and 881, which will improve access to much to this much needed lifeline for so many families.
Thank you for taking the time to consider my thoughts on this important issue and for your service to our community.
Michigan's 33rd Senate District (Montcalm and Newaygo Counties)
Senator Rick Outman
Mailing Address:
Senator Rick Outman
P.O. Box 30036
Lansing, MI 48909-7536
Phone: (517) 373-3760
Please include name, address, and phone number.
Draft Email/Letter:
Subject Line: Please Expand Access to MEAP – Pass SB 353, 880, and 881
I am writing to urge you to expand access to the Michigan Energy Assistance Program by voting in favor of Senate bills 353, 880 and 881. This vital program offers energy assistance and self-sufficiency services to eligible low-income households including direct bill assistance, education on energy efficiency optimization strategies and help creating budget plans or enrolling in affordable payment plans. Thousands of households across the state have relied on MEAP in times of crisis, and it continues to be a critical resource.
While MEAP is a proven effective program, utility assistance remains among the top unmet need in calls made to 2-1-1 as funding often runs out early in the season. But even when dollars are available, many struggling households are turned away due to overly restrictive income eligibility requirements.
According to the ALICE Report, more than one in three Michigan families struggle to afford their basic needs. The Michigan Energy Assistance Program (MEAP) combats this issue by making energy costs more affordable for low-income residents. Currently, only households living below 150 percent of the federal poverty level are eligible to receive assistance through MEAP. However, the ALICE report tells us that the actual cost of meeting a household’s needs is often well above 200 percent of the federal poverty level.
Families living above poverty but below the ALICE Survival threshold are particularly vulnerable as an unexpected medical bill, car repair or loss in wages can put them in financial crisis. Short-term help with energy costs can go a long way toward getting them back to stability. If passed, SB 353 would expand MEAP eligibility to 60 percent of the state median income, increasing access to this vital service for more families in their time of need, while the rest of this package will help grow the pool of funding available.
Please support Michigan households by passing Senate Bills 353, 880 and 881, which will improve access to much to this much needed lifeline for so many families.
Thank you for taking the time to consider my thoughts on this important issue and for your service to our community.