United Way Partner Program:
Transportation Vouchers - Lakeshore Region
The Transportation Voucher Program is a transportation program which reimburses volunteer drivers for mileage as tracked using vouchers per qualified rider. The objective is to promote community inclusion. The program will focus on increased opportunities for people with disabilities to be part of their respective communities. Volunteer drivers are reimbursed at $0.62 per mile to maximize community engagement opportunities for people with disabilities.
Social isolation has increased for seniors and people with disabilities in general. Now, to add people extreme rural communities, this adds to the increased need for inclusion as they typically would stay home rather than to burden others for transportation. Our program encourages community engagement and interaction; leading to increased mental health and overall health awareness. An estimated 61 million adults living in the United States have a disability, representing nearly 26% of the adult population.
In Michigan, this rate is higher with data showing 1 in 3 people having a disability and barriers to gain independence and access to transportation are vast, especially in our rural areas. The funds received through United Way will serve as valuable match dollar for our Michigan Department of Transportation funding (Newaygo and Oceana), and for the Muskegon County Senior Millage (Muskegon), to ensure this program continues to provide transportation opportunities for the disability community.
DNWM have utilized these identified volunteers as a recruitment tool to seek out volunteers for other DNWM programs and services as well as encouraging volunteers to get involved with other organizations such as United Way to volunteer their time as a way to stay connected to the community and services. Some drivers have reported utilizing the additional funds reimbursed for mileage towards household expenses such as groceries, phone bills, or gas for their cars.
About Disability Network of West Michigan:
Mission is to advocate, educate, empower, and provide resources for persons with disabilities.
Our Vision is that accessibility will no longer be an issue; it will be an accepted civil right.
Value Statement: DNWM values diversity, equity, and inclusion. We respect and welcome every person. Staff, volunteers, and board members are a true reflection of our advancing communities.
The Transportation Voucher Program is a transportation program which reimburses volunteer drivers for mileage as tracked using vouchers per qualified rider. The objective is to promote community inclusion. The program will focus on increased opportunities for people with disabilities to be part of their respective community. Volunteer drivers are reimbursed at $0.62 per mile to maximize community engagement opportunities for people with disabilities.
DNWM also offer advocacy services for consumers needing assistance ensuring their voices are heard or rights are protected. DNWM services and programs focus is to ensure consumers gain independence, identify and eliminate any barriers hindering that independence, and to encourage full inclusion by all in all communities.